

闪眼[shǎn yǎn]


闪眼 双语例句

1. 女人的高跟鞋声音更加繁荣了,香水靓车更加刺鼻和闪眼,今天天气稍冷一下,衣服还算可以穿两件。
    The voice of a woman's high heels more prosperous, and more pungent perfume driving and flicker eyes, coolish weather like today, clothing 2 still can wear.

2. 坦平的柏油马路上铺着一层薄雪,被街灯照得有点闪眼
    The wide, flat, tarmac surface was covered with a thin layer of snow, dazzling white under the street lamps.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 他反应敏捷,身体强健,喜欢打到篮圈之上,能轻而易举杀入禁区,一闪眼转身跳投或来一个宝宝扣(双手扣篮,像婴儿一样吊在篮圈上)。
    Yi is quick, fundamentally sound and likes to play above the rim. Yi easily pounds the ball inside for a quick turnaround jumper or baby hook shot.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 导演借鉴了《现代启示录》里强光和暗影的混合,当中穿插了闪眼的走廊游戏(flashy arcade-game)(一个DiCaprio数字模似人在丛林里追逐撕斗),这些手法全是导演矫饰过妄的卖弄,也许,还暗示潜藏的绝望感吧。
    His direction cannibalises Apocalypse Now's mix of hard light with deep shadow, while a flashy arcade-game interlude (in which a digitised DiCaprio zaps tigers as he runs through the jungle) is a show-off flourish which hints, perhaps, at an underlying desperation.