闭关锁国[bì guān suǒ guó]
词典cut off one's country from the outside world:闭关锁国。
词典avoid having contacts with other countries:闭关锁国。
词典close the border:闭关;封锁边境;闭关锁国。
词典close the communication at the borders:闭关锁国。
闭关锁国[bì guān suǒ guó]
cut off one's country from the outside world; avoid having contacts with other countries; close the border; close the communication at the borders; lock one's doors against the world
1. last straw D:( )3.every pound C.巧取豪夺 | ( )4.last straw D.闭关锁国 | ( )5.to live and let die E.大发雷霆
2. to lock the doors against the world:开花结果--to bear fruit | 闭关锁国--to lock the doors against the world | 三头六臂--three heads and six arms.
3. 闭关锁国是什么意思
3. closed policy:彼一时,此一时 the times are different, not comparable | 闭关锁国 closed policy | 毕其功于一役 accomplish at one stroke what should be carried through by stages
4. 闭关锁国的近义词
4. close itself off to international interaction:夜郎自大 arrogant parochialism | 闭关锁国 close itself off to international interaction | 审时度势 judge the hour and size up the situation