



闭市 网络解释

1. 闭市是什么意思

1. CLOSE:NOTRD - 非交易服务支 | CLOSE - 闭市 | FCALL - 固定价格集合竞

闭市 双语例句

1. 闭市的近义词

1. 星期四闭市后,a股的溢额从1%到550%不等,40家两地同时上市的公司中有15家的股票在上海的价格至少是香港的2倍。
    At Thursday`s close, A-share premiums ranged from 1 per cent to 550 per cent. A record 15 of the 40 dual-listed stocks boast Shanghai prices that at least double Hong Kong`s.

2. 等于该交易所前一交易日闭市时该证券的中间收市价。
    Relevant Secur ity has its primary listing is closed, it will equal the mid market pri ce of t he

3. 纽约在闭市时道琼斯指数已经涨了超过11%。
    In New York the key Dow Jones Index closed up by more than 11%.

4. 如果确定该基础合约价格的当天,各相关成份证券挂牌交易的交易所闭市,该基础合约价
    Constituent Security has it s primary listing is closed, it will equal the mid market price of the

5. 是啊是啊,9点开店,5点闭市。你营业时间比我长,搞得我很有压力。。。
    Now I am chinasmile Admin la..just monitoring whether everything is going fine here...

6. 闭市钟声敲响后,Brocade公布了一个歌舞升平的季报,技术板块的大厦将倾,但这份业绩可谓无懈可击。
    After the bell, Brocade announced a picture-perfect quarter, a work of art in an otherwise burning building.

7. 在闭市后,央行上调了银行存款准备金率,以抑制信贷增长。
    After the market closed, the central bank raised reserve-deposit requirements for banks in a bid to curb credit growth.

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. 随着闭市的临近,我感到一种巨大的满足感。
    As the close approached, I felt a great sense of satisfaction.

9. 闭市

9. 今天股票闭市时我们公司的股价是多少?
    What is the price of our company`s shares at the close of trading?

10. 在这么久的闭市期里可能发生很多事情。
    A lot of things can happen during the long break.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 还有一点,不要介入在开市和闭市的时候形成的IB。
      There is one more thing, Stay out of IB's when the sessions open and close.

12. 这个方法在开市和闭市时段有时候会失效,我已经在开市的时候发现了几次。
      I have seen this method fail a few times and they happen right at the opening of a certain session.

13. 上周五闭市后发布的全年业绩显示,比亚迪汽车销售增长127%,因为使用天然气的廉价紧凑型轿车F3——模仿丰田卡罗拉车型——吸引了二三线城市对价格较为敏感的首次购车者。
      Full-year figures, released after the market close on Friday, showed that auto sales were up 127 per cent, as BYD's cheap gas-powered F3 compact – a Toyota Corolla clone – lured price-conscious first-time buyers in second- and third-tier cities.

14. 实际上,大部分的日常交流平台,比如清晨会议、广播、闭市后会议、网上公告和内部研究的网站以及电话会议都是为了与大家分享基本信息。
      In fact, most of the daily activities such as morning conference calls, broadcasts through the squawk box, after-market conference calls, online bulletins and websites of in-house research and teleconference calls are organized to share essential information with each other.

15. 但是在上周五闭市后,市盈率跌落至大约17倍,这一数值正好是二战后的平均值。
      But after the market closed on Friday, the ratio was down to roughly 17, which happens to be about its post-World War II average.

16. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

16. 日航股价一度跌至60日元的创纪录低位,上周三收于67日元,此后股市因元旦假日闭市
      The shares fell to a record low of Y60 and finished at Y67 on Wednesday, before the stock market closed for the New Year holiday.

17. 日本和中国股市因节日闭市
      Markets in Japan and China were closed for public holidays.

18. 主要亚洲股市在这份报告发表之前闭市,收盘有升有降。
      Major Asian markets closed before the report, and finished the day mixed.

19. 闭市

19. 因为卖假货,这个商场被勒令闭市整顿。
      This market place was closed for selling fake products.

20. 即使希腊能避免骤然退出,缓步离开欧元区,到某个阶段,希腊政府终将不得不在股市闭市期间引入新德拉克马【注】来完成退出。
      What would happen then? Even if Greece did slide towards the exit rather than jumping, at some stage the government would have to complete the process by introducing the new drachma one weekend when the markets were closed.