

Chuang Chuang;
闯闯 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 总是想出去闯闯的我,到远方去未尝不是一件好事。好想到东北看冰雕,看看我从未见过的东西。要是明年高考如愿的话,我填自愿我会填到东北去的。也许是辽宁,也许是吉林,或许是西北甘肃兰州。能走多远走多远,我不希望我回到故乡发展。在我看来在故乡取得成就的机会很渺茫,惟有在外才会懂得人生无法体会的东西。
    Always finds out me which rushes, has not hadto the distant place is not a good deed Good thought northeast looksat the ice sculpture, has a look I never has seen thing If the nextyear college entrance examination like will hope the speech, I willfill in am voluntary I to be able to fill in northeast to go Perhapsis Liaoning, perhaps is Jilin, perhaps is northwest Gansu Lanzhou Canwalk far walks far, I did not hope I return to the hometowndevelopment In my opinion obtains the achievement in the hometown theopportunity to be very uncertain, only has in outside only then canunderstand the life is unable the thing which realized

2. 终于有一天,住持允许她去闯闯世界了。
    Finally, one day, the master allows her to go out.

3. 17岁的时候,我想出去闯闯,我已经见识了不少。
    At 17, I decided to see the world. I had already seen quite a lot of it.

4. 如果我有机会的话,我想要到台湾或是韩国去闯闯
    If i get the chance, i would want to venture in taiwan or korea.

5. 闯闯是什么意思

5. 看到我们的同学时,我还要去闯闯了。
    To see our classmates out, I would also like to go out for another try.

6. 我想闯闯好莱坞呢!
    I want to see how hollywood is ma.

7. 闯闯

7. 我一心想要到大城市去闯闯
    I wanted to try to big cities.

8. 闯闯

8. 让青年人自己去闯闯总是有好处的。
    It is always good for young people to be put upon exerting themselves.

9. 出去闯闯可能能得到意外的收获,也可能改变一下过去的陈旧想法。
    May be out for another try to get a windfall, but also may change the old ideas about the past.

10. 闯闯的反义词

10. 我做这份工作做了很久,想到别处闯闯了)。
    I've been in this job for so long that I'm starting to get itchy feet.

11. 就想自己闯闯看,公司给我两个OTC市场,天津和唐山让我挑。
      Wanted to own, the company gave me two OTC market, Tianjin and Tangshan, let me pick.

12. 闯闯的近义词

12. 17岁的时候,我想出去闯闯,我已经见识了不少。
      At17, I decided to see the world. I had already seen quite a lot of it.

13. 我得趁我还能走路出来闯闯
      I'm gettin out while I still can walk.

14. 闯闯的解释

14. 布赖恩:那么,让我们的小宝贝出去闯闯,犯点错。她会变得更优秀的。
      Bryan: So let our little one go out and make some mistakes. She'll be a better person for it.