

闷郁[mèn yù]



闷郁 双语例句

1. 闷郁

1. 但是,西厢那一间,那些参加化装舞会的还是没人敢去。夜色渐阑,从血红的窗玻璃中泻进一派红光;阴森森的帷幔那片乌黑,令人魂飞魄散;凡是站在阴森森的地毯上的人,一听到近头乌檀木时钟发出一阵闷郁的钟声,无不感到比在远头其他屋里纵情声色的人所听到的更肃穆、有力。
    But to the chamber which lies most westwardly of the seven there are now none of the maskers who venture, for the night is waning away; and there flows a ruddier light through the blood-colored panes; and the blackness of the sable drapery appalls; and to him whose foot falls on the sable carpet, there comes from the near clock of ebony a muffled peal more solemnly emphatic than any which reaches their ears who indulge in the more remote gaieties of the other apartments.

2. 闷郁什么意思

2. 没有路灯。灭上也没有星月,是闷郁得像要压到头顶一}二来的黑暗。
    The two of them had walked t0-wards the open country....There was no street light, no moonand no stars in the sky, the oppressive darkness weighed heavilyupon them.

3. 她从旁门溜了出去,有时闷郁地直向目的地走去,当她来到林中那空旷地时,她觉得可怖地不安起来,但是他却在那儿,穿着衬衣,蹲在鸡笼前,把笼门打开了,让母鸡出来。
    When she came to the clearing she was terribly uneasy. But there he was again, in his shirt-sleeves, stooping, letting the hens out of the coops, among the chicks that were now growing a little gawky, but were much more trim than hen-chickens.

4. 闷郁的反义词

4. 闷郁很我!