

阔落[kuò luò]


阔落 网络解释

1. uiai:快劳 nnap | 阔落 uiai | 垃圾岗 ffmm

2. 阔落

2. kulb:ktmq 扻头埋墙 | kulb 阔落 | kuyc 揩油

3. 阔落的反义词

3. kuo luo:阔咧啡 kuo lie fei | 阔落 kuo luo | 阔佬 kuo lao

阔落 双语例句

1. 盒子型椅脚加上苗条简约的线条和阔落的座椅比例,不单能为您提供舒适写意的享受。
    The small box feet and combination of slender lines with liberal proportions makes it an inviting piece of furniture.

2. 为此,各式各样厨柜或只门冰箱应运而生,它们的设计大多以悭位但仍可保留阔落的存放空间为主。
    Sure, when you start talking double dishwashers, cooking with magnets and tiles made of steel, remodeling can start to feel like rocket science.

3. 阔落的解释

3. 客厅被是家居的心脏地带,所以在设计及布置上绝不可马虎,而客厅的设计亦建基於六个原则,包括:堂皇、阔落、合潮流等。
    Sarah and Oliver cover the six basic designs of living room from grand to minimalist, eclectic to contemporary classic and retro to country house.

4. 阔落的反义词

4. 中央公园未入公园前﹐由於人潮汹涌及街道不够阔落﹐单车行驶速度近乎於步行
    The pace didn't pick up until they entered Central Park.

5. 阔落

5. 她并会捐出 20 多件物品作拍卖,当中包括 3 件分别命名为「盛世平天下」、「万寿无疆」及「皇帝玉玺」的石雕珍品,当年梅妈买入时也要万多元 1 件,原本打算送给阿梅放在她家,但阿梅想家阔落一点,所以没有接受,所以梅妈收起至今。
    The balance of more than 10 tables are reserved for business people. She will also donate more than 20 valuable pieces of her collection for auction, including some treasurable stone carvings. She bought all those for Ah Mui's house. But Ah Mui wanted her house to be more spacious, she didn't want those things, so Mui Ma kept them all till today.