



词典close the eyes阖眼;瞑。

阖眼 双语例句

1. 我看见他们所做的一切,难以阖眼
    And to all of those things I could not shut my eyes.

2. 他太累了,一阖眼就睡著了。
    He was too tired and fell asleep the moment he closed his eyes.

3. 阖眼

3. 我一直到凌晨才阖眼。。。
    I didn't close my eyes until early morning.

4. 阖眼

4. 我一直到凌晨才阖眼
    I didnt close my eyes until early morning.

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5. 我一直到凌晨才阖眼
    I didn't close my eyes to the time of early morning.

6. 他整夜都在写小说,没有阖眼
    He sat on the foot of the bed.

7. 阖眼

7. 我最最亲爱的L 是你带我走进了这席仲夏夜之梦也唯有你一眸一笑都带尽了人世苍凉一举一动亦明亮了整个厅堂是记忆中的那一低头一抬掌一阖眼一思量还是那臆想中的一微笑一皱眉一低吟一浅唱一点点斑驳的影子,一段段泛黄的过往是一座座倾圮的城墙抑或是一场场饕餮的时光想这样一直下去一直这样看着你 L 如同所有时光化成了十二张飘飞的乐谱在这个字母上奏出了最华丽的乐章所有的音符凝固在那里在你那修长的指尖在你那柔软的发梢在你那疲惫而不失明亮的眼光在你那淡然却不少真挚的手掌我亲爱的L 你看桌上堆积的甜食并非是触及不到的天堂一个人的背后也并非总是空荡荡的景象世界的尽头是否真的有跨不过去的高墙那终究只是一个太远的方向那么多的悲哀痛苦那么多的低回彷徨终究都只是过往的伤亲爱的答应我以后好好微笑不再悲伤。。。。。
    I am most dear L You took me into the seat A Midsummer Night's Dream Only you A pupil of the eye and smile all the world to do with desolation Bright also move the entire hall Is the memory of that A bow Zhang Yi Tai He Yan - I thought It was alleged in the A smile A frown A Diyin A shallow sing A little bit of mottled shadow, for some of the yellowing paragraph in the past Block is a dump destroyed the city wall Or a tie game time This has been like to go on This has been watching you L As with all of the time became the music of the 12 Piaofei In this letter, Play the most beautiful movement All of the notes, where solidification In the slender your fingertips In your hair soft, In it you tired yet bright vision In it you take it lightly but a lot of sincere hand My dear L You see, The accumulation of sweets on the table is not less than the touch heaven A person behind it is not always empty picture At the end of the world it really does not cross the wall in the past In the end it is only a direction too far The sorrow of so many suffering So much of a loss Dihui After all, only in the past of injury Dear I promise After a good smile No longer sad

8. 这可怕的三个夜晚,我就没阖眼&啊,我受尽了折磨!
    These three awful nights, I've never closed my lids & and oh, I've been tormented!

9. 阖眼什么意思

9. 贾斯汀:我昨晚整夜没阖眼
    Justin: I didn sleep a wink last night.