

阙疑[quē yí]

词典leave the question open存而不论;阙疑。

阙疑 汉英大词典

阙疑[quē yí]


leave the question open

阙疑 双语例句

1. 戴震《毛诗补传》对旧说的态度有同意、修订与阙疑三种,其实事求是与不主门户的治学思想于此灼然可见。
    Dai Zhen s attitude towords old argument in Mao Shi Bu Zhuan primarily falls into three categary which were approval, correction and leaving the question open.

2. 本文通过这一重要物证,对中国古代海外移民的南徙及其殡葬的佛家思想进行研究,以补文献之阙疑
    Based on this important material evidence, the author did some research on the burial ways of ancient Chinese overseas migrants, wishing to give a supplement to previous academic studies.

3. 子张学干禄,子曰:多闻阙疑,慎言其余,则寡尤;多见阙殆,慎行其余,则寡悔。
    Zi Zhang consulted Confucius about the proper way of seeking officialdom. Confucius said, Open your ears to all kinds of advice and opinions, set aside wtat is dubious and put forward those assurde ones discreetly.

4. 但是在求真的程度上,基于探寻与研究基础上的西方史学是明显高于官方意识形态统治下的中国史学,但是在阙疑方面中国史学发展的更为出色。
    On the degree of truth, the western historiography based on the research and seek is obviously higher than the Chinese historiography which is ruled by the official ideology.

5. 《周易本义》的“阙疑”方法,在中国经学史上独树一帜,是理学化经学的重要内容。
    This very method in the book " Original Meaning of I Ching " is unique in Chinese history of " Studies of Confucian Classics "(Jing-xue) and a main content in Neo-confucianismlized Jing-xue.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 《周易本义》的“阙疑”方法,在中国经学史上独树一帜,是理学化经学的重要内容。
    This very method in the book " Original Meaning of I Ching " is unique in Chinese history of " Studies of Confucian Classics "(Jing-xue) and a main content in Neo-confucianismlized Jing-xue.