

阜丰 双语例句

1. 山东阜丰发酵有限公司是一家以生物发酵技术为依托的大型企业,一直致力于生物发酵产品的研发、生产和销售,在生物发酵方面有丰富的生产经验和人才、技术、管理优势,是中国发酵工业的重点骨干企业和全国目前最大的谷氨酸发酵基地。
    Is a bio-fermentation technology to support large enterprises, has been dedicated to biological fermentation product development, production and sales of bio-fermentation in the area is rich in production experience and talent, technology, management advantages, China Fermentation of key industrial enterprises and the country currently the largest base of glutamic acid fermentation.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 山东阜丰发酵有限公司主要致力于生物制品的研发、生产和销售,现年产味精8万吨,淀粉13万吨,黄原胶1000吨,复混肥8万吨,另发电6000万度。
    Shandong Fufeng Fermentation Co. Ltd is mainly engaged in producing and managing fermentation products. It annually produces 80, 000 tons of monosodium glutamate, 130, 000 tons of starch and 1000 tons of xanthan gum.

3. 阜丰

3. 咱们校区内(南门口、北门口、阜丰、南华、东明)的小学毕业生来到八中后,在德智体美劳方面都有了长足的进步和发展。
    Our school district (south gate, north gate, Fufeng, South, East-ming) went to primary school graduates in the eight after Laborde zhi ti mei have a great progress and development.

4. 阜丰的意思

4. 过去一个月,食品添加剂味精生产商阜丰(fufeng)和安全体系供应商中国自动化集团(chinaautomationgroup)等发行者的债券价格已出现下跌。
    Issuers such as Fufeng, a maker of the food additive monosodium glutamate, and China Automation Group, a safety systems supplier, have in the past month seen their bond prices slide.

5. 公司始终坚持以质量为本、服务至上的原则,所生产的热风炉等干燥设备在全国多家复合肥企业取得了良好的经济效益,先后为红日阿康集团、施可丰化肥、甘肃荣化集团、山东临沂复合肥厂、贵州西洋肥业、湖北洋丰集团、河南莲花味精集团、安徽丰原集团、河北梅花味精、山东阜丰集团、黑龙江成福集团等30多家复合肥企业、20多家食品加工企业生产了热风炉等干燥设备。
    We always adhere to the quality-oriented, service-oriented principles, which are produced by dry hot stove, and other equipment in the number of compound fertilizer enterprises have achieved good economic benefits, has for the Red Sun Group A Kang Shih-feng could fertilizer, Gansu - Group, compound fertilizer plant in Linyi in Shandong, Guizhou Western fertilizer industry, Hubei foreign HSBC Group, the Group Lianhuaweijing Henan, Anhui Fengyuan Group, the Plum Blossom MSG Hebei, Shandong Fu Fung Group, Heilongjiang Chengfu Group, more than 30 fertilizer enterprises, More than 20 food processing enterprises produced a hot stove, and other drying equipment.