

Shen Yin;
阴沈 网络解释

1. heavy overcast:重离子含量 heavy ion content | 阴沈 heavy overcast | 大雨 heavy rain

阴沈 双语例句

1. 我看著他像一个阴沈的脸的上帝弃我而去。
    I saw him as a dark-faced God turning his back on me.

2. 阴沈的反义词

2. 你提到他死去的妻子的时候,恐怕触起了他的伤心事,所以他的脸色阴沈下来。
    When you mention his dead wife, and his face darkened.

3. 阴沈的翻译

3. 天气看起来很阴沈多云,我觉得可能快要下雨了。
    The weather looks dull and cloudy; I think it`s going to rain.

4. 因为一个微笑就可使阴沈的天变得明朗。
    Because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.

5. 你提到他死去的妻子的时候,恐怕触起了他的伤心事,所以他的脸色阴沈下来。
    I'm afraid you had touched a nerve when you mentioned his dead wife, and his face darkened.

6. 那是一个阴沈的正月天。
    That was a somber January day.

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7. 她抬头看著阴沈的天。
    She looked up at the lowering sky.

8. 阴沈的近义词

8. 珠儿与那溪水就有点相似,她的生命也是涌自一个神秘之泉,并流经同样阴沈的暗景。
    Pearl resembled the brook inasmuch as the current of her life gushed from a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom.

9. 阴沈的反义词

9. 这样的他看去城府深、阴沈
    He looks shrewd and gloomy.

10. 阴沈的翻译

10. 终於等到了李安卸下他在好莱坞第一部大片的失败--制作费庞大而色调阴沈的绿巨人浩克,签下导演的工作。
    His first Hollywood epic, the massive, leaden Hulk, and signed on. TheBrokeback story is set in Wyoming and Texas, but it was shot

11. 阴沈的近义词

11. 当天空逐渐阴沈时,这位母亲叫她的孩子回家。
      As the sky was lowering, the mother asked her child to come home.

12. 阴沈的近义词

12. 当天空逐渐阴沈时,这位母亲叫她的孩子回家。
      As the sky is lowering, the mother asks her child to come home.

13. 阴沈在线翻译

13. 天气看起来很阴沈多云,我觉得可能快要下雨了。
      The weather looks dull and cloudy; I think it's going to rain.

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14. 房间里有一种颇为阴沈的气氛。
      There was a rather sepulchralatmosphere in the room.

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15. 在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沈的沙滩上走了很久
      Long and lonely he pace the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky