


词典blocking action阻塞作用。

阻击战 双语例句

1. 阻击战

1. 编者按/这是一场聪明的在规模有限市场上的商业阻击战
    In the remote corners of the planet lie the last survivors of the great civilizations.

2. 阻击战的翻译

2. 那次他们那个一纵队的阻击战是打得不错的,完成了阻击任务。
    Su's 1st Column blocked the enemy's advance, making it possible for the follow-up units to get to their positions on time.

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3. 在塔山阻击战纪念馆中,展出了塔山阻击战的图片和烈士生前的遗物。
    Tower Mountain Battle Memorial Hall displays pictures of Tower Mountain Battle and relics of the martyrs.

4. 阻击战的反义词

4. 最后,投票结果上演惊险场面,这项议案以51:49的微弱勉强过关,这是中央企业的历史,主要利用中遇到的最强的阻击战股东大会。
    Finally, the results of the vote staged breathtaking scene, the motion to 51:49 advantage of the weak barely cross the border, which is the history of major central enterprises encountered in the general meeting of shareholders of the strongest blocking action.

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5. 部队进行了阻击战
    The troops fought a delaying action.

6. 阻击战的近义词

6. 新闻发布制度是推行政务公开、信息透明、促进政府与新闻界之间沟通的重要途径,去年我国非典阻击战的胜利与全国人民恐慌的消除,与及时透明的新闻发布制度不无关系。
    The " News Release System " is an important approach to promote the publication of administrative affairs, transparence of government information and the communication between the government and the press.

7. 战略战术运用得当以及民众的大力支持,是临沂阻击战胜利的重要因素。
    The important factors of the victory in Linyi include solidarity, fighting bravely, correct strategy and tactics, the mass support and so on.

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8. 全球掀起SARS阻击战
    Global Battle Against SARS

9. 阻击战的反义词

9. 新闻发布制度是推行政务公开、信息透明、促进政府与新闻界之间沟通的重要途径,去年我国非典阻击战的胜利与全国人民恐慌的消除,与及时透明的新闻发布制度不无关系。
    The " News Release System " is an important approach to promote the publication of administrative affairs, transparence of government information and the communication between the government and the press.