

阿炳 双语例句

1. 阿炳是什么意思

1. 阿炳是我国当代一位极富有才华的民间艺术家、,他不仅是一位优秀的二胡、琵琶演奏家,更重要的,他是一位卓越的作曲家。
    A` Bing is a talented contemporary folk artist. He is not only an excellent player, but also an outstanding composer.

2. 阿炳:他说嘴巴淡淡的,想吃芝麻糊。。
    Can`t taste anything, so he wants sesame syrup.

3. 其次,阿炳是道教音乐家……我们今天纪念他,一方面感谢他为我们留下了优美的乐曲,另一方面,我们要学习他具有广博精深的民间音乐基础,认真对待音乐艺术的态度,虽浪迹江湖而不屑随波逐流的品格。
    Firstly, his music embodies a solid foundation of folk music … Secondly, A` Bing is a Taoist musician … We commemorate him today, on one hand, to express our gratitude for the wonderful music he composed and, on the other hand, to learn from his profound folk music foundation, his serious attitude to music and his honest character.

4. 昭君出塞:这是阿炳父亲华雪梅亲传的琵琶曲,与《昭君怨》及《塞上曲》没有相似之处。
    Lady Zhaojun: This is ABing's father compose this Pipa, there is no similarities.

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5. 岁月流逝中,我又“结识”过两位伟大的瞎子:阿炳和海伦。
    Years passed, and I had two great " meet " blind man: bin and Helen Keller.

6. 阿炳小时候就向父亲学习音乐,他的父亲在当地喜欢音乐的人中间非常有名。
    When he was young, Ah Bing learned music from his father who was famous for his musical talent.

7. 中国传播最广泛的二胡曲,是本世纪中期无锡的民间艺人阿炳自度的《二泉映月》。
    The most widespread piece of erhu music in China is Two Springs Reflect the Moon, composed by the Wuxi folk artist a Bing in the mid-20th century.

8. 瞎子阿炳一直靠在街上卖唱生活,他同黑暗、贫穷斗争了几十年。
    Blind Ah Bing earned his living by playing music in the streets and struggled with the dark and poor life for several decades.

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9. 新的调度位置在乐曲的后段,阿炳坐姿,在舞台侧面拉琴,正面坐。
    In the later section of the music change position, bin is positive beside of the stage and playing the qin.

10. 阿炳

10. 无锡有一口泉,叫做“天下第二泉”,那是阿炳常去的地方。
    There is a spring in Wuxi, known as " the second spring in the world " where Ah Bing liked to linger.

11. 在这里作者简介了阿炳的身世和演奏这首乐曲的体会。
      The author brief introduced the history of A Bing and her experience of playing the musical composition.

12. 阿炳的解释

12. 阿炳与贝多芬创作风格之比较
      Comparison of Creative Style Between an Bin and Ludwig Van Beethoven

13. 阿炳:是啊,想找他去喝茶,没想到他病了。
      Yes, I thought we`d have lunch. But he isn`t well.

14. 阿炳:昨天我在街上看到你老婆。
      I saw your wife in the street yesterday.

15. 阿炳的解释

15. 阿炳的作品为什么如此吸引着人们,是有其深刻的原因。
      Why A` Bing`s music is so attractive?

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16. 阿炳:哎,我把身份证押给她,说好两三天之后赎回来。
      I left my ID card and said I`d be back to redeem it. I thought a few

17. 阿炳有着他自己的生活和感情,在他周围,有着影响和改变他内在感情的一切事物。
      Everything around him would affect and change his inside emotions, which played a decisive role in his performance and his music.

18. 我想起了,功夫里的两,瞎子,还有阿炳,世界上最美丽的东西,看不见也摸不着,要靠心灵去感受。
      The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.

19. 岁月流逝中,我又“结识”过两位伟大的瞎子:阿炳和海伦。
      Years passed, and I had two great " meet " blind man: bin and Helen Keller.

20. 无锡有一口泉,叫做“天下第二泉”,那是阿炳常去的地方。
      There is a spring in Wuxi, known as " the second spring in the world " where Ah Bing liked to linger.