




阿萨姆人 双语例句

1. 阿萨姆人

1. 过去一周内,西孟加拉邦尼泊尔族的廓尔喀人表示,他们将组织示威,推动建立廓尔喀邦的诉求。与此同时,博多族再次要求,从阿萨姆邦分离出去,建立博多邦。
    In the past week the Gorkhas, ethnic Nepalis living in West Bengal, have said they will organise strikes to promote their demand for a Gorkhaland, while the Bodo tribe has issued new demands for a Bodoland, separated from the state of Assam.

2. 在邻国印度,孟加拉人(Bengali)和阿萨姆人(Assamese)用达卡指称印度卢比。
    In neighboring India, speakers of Bengali and Assamese use the term taka to refer to the Indian Rupee.

3. 最终成为被称为Oxom或Axom当地阿萨姆人
    Eventually become known as Oxom or Axom to the local Assamese people.

4. 名称阿萨姆所有外部阿萨姆人
    Name Asam by all the people outside Assam.

5. 阿萨姆人

5. 统治六百年阿萨姆邦和争光的阿萨姆人
    Ruled Assam for six hundred years and brought glory to the Assamese people.

6. 阿萨姆人是什么意思

6. 雅鲁藏布江洪水使210万人撤离家乡,导致印度阿萨姆24人死亡。
    A Brahmaputra river flood displaces 2.1 million people and causes 24 deaths in Assam, India.

7. 阿萨姆人

7. 阿萨姆人是混血
    CCC: the assamese people are mixed blood...

8. 阿萨姆人的近义词

8. 那加人、Bodos 人,Khasis 人,曼尼普尔人,阿萨姆人,廓尔喀人,很多很多都是黄种人。
    CCC: the Nagas, the Bodos, the Khasis, the Manipuris, Assamese, Gurkhas, and many others are Mongoloids..