

阿谀奉承[ē yú fèng cheng]

词典curry favour with阿谀奉承;趋承附和;卖好;巴结。

词典act the yes-man阿谀奉承。

词典eat sb.'s toads拍某人马屁,讨好某人;阿谀奉承。

词典flatter and toady to阿谀奉承。



阿谀奉承 汉英大词典

阿谀奉承[ē yú fèng cheng]

curry favour with; act the yes-man; eat sb.'s toads; flatter and toady to; fawn upon; flatter and cajole; ingratiate oneself into sb.'s favour; ingratiate oneself with sb.; stoop to flattery; try to get sb.'s favour by flattery:


    He is above flattery.


    He is proof against flattery.


    Some people use flattery to get favours.

阿谀奉承 网络解释

1. Oh, you flatterer:So, here's where all the bathing beauties are hiding.|原来美女都躲在这里了 | Oh, you flatterer.|阿谀奉承 | My poker game is about to start. Would you like to join me?|我的牌局就要开始了 想陪我吗?

2. the adulation,the pats on the head:It's about the media stroking,|是因为媒体猛击, | the adulation,the pats on the head|阿谀奉承 | That's your problem with him,isn't it?|那是你跟他之间的问题,是吗?

3. fawn on:阿弥陀佛 Amitabha | 阿谀奉承 fawn on | 唉声叹气 moan and groan

4. danci.911cha.com

4. toady:swank 打扮 | toady 阿谀奉承 | status n. 状况,地位