

Long head;
陇头 双语例句

1. 唐代陇头诗是我国诗歌史上的一颗明星,是唐代人民智慧的结晶,也是一座记述历史的丰碑。
    'Longtou'poems in the tang dynasty is a big star in our history of poetry, it is the crystal of the wisdom for people in the tang dynasty, it is also a monuments of the historical record.

2. 陇头水》诗作是乐府题边塞诗中最具悲剧精神的一个系列,其哀婉沉痛的风格与大量慷慨豪壮的边塞诗互为补充,使唐代边塞诗的内涵更为丰富。
    Longtou Water poems are the most sorrowful poems in frontier fortress of Yuefu, and the sorrowful style is a great complement of many heroic works.