

Old state;
陈旧不堪 双语例句

1. 陈旧不堪

1. 表面上更坏的是巨大崇高的杰罗里莫修雕旌,贝伦塔和圣乔治城堡全都陈旧不堪,更不要说延着城堡下山走过险峻阶梯到达的Alfama区域狭窄弯曲的街道。
    What is seemingly worse: the huge and prominent Mosteiro dos Jerónimos is decaying; Torre de Belém is decaying; Castelo de S~ao Jorge is decaying let alone the narrow and winding streets of Alfama steep stairs down from it.

2. 陈旧不堪是什么意思

2. 过去,爱国者汽车的车身款式陈旧不堪,我们的汽车销售状况远不如我们竞争对手的汽车。
    In the past, the body styles of Patriot cars have been old-fashioned, and our cars have not sold as well as have our competitors'cars.

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3. 这简直是一次陈旧不堪的电子设备展览。
    It was rather like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment.

4. 我的鞋底曾经陈旧不堪,经过长时光的旅游。
    My soles were worn out after a long time trip.

5. 当我们看到那辆车陈旧不堪时,也都犹豫起来了。
    We all hung back when we saw how old the car was.

6. 餐凳只是临时的代用品,陈旧不堪,到处是修补的痕迹,但对他们来说已是最好的了。
    The dining bench was a makeshift, poor and patched but the best they had.

7. 陈旧不堪

7. 河内的建筑物属于法国南部地方的风格,但已经陈旧不堪
    Hanoi's buildings were dilapidated, and in the style of southern France.

8. 正因为它是陈旧的,所以你在刹那间看到及感受到的愉悦和震撼,也变得陈旧不堪
    Thought, because it is old, makes this thing which you have looked at with delight and felt tremendously for the moment, old.

9. 他则总是站在他那陈旧不堪而且落满灰尘的柜台后面,耐心地听着这些非常信赖他的人们倾诉心中的秘密。
    Behind his old, dusty prescription counter he listened to the secrets of human beings who trusted him.

10. 陈旧不堪的翻译

10. 即便在昏暗的光线下,那台设备也显得陈旧不堪
    Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and time-worn

11. 陈旧不堪的近义词

11. 近而观之,土楼新墙结实粗糙的墙体,旧墙经风化,泥层脱落,出现裂隙和大小洞穴,以及不规整的大小石块叠砌的墙基,路面或用粗壮的巨石板条搭建的土楼大门和台阶,质感或显斑驳、粗砺或显年代久远的磨光特征,而大幅构图的静物组画中土楼居民所用的旧家具有年代的油漆脱落的民间木头柜子,凹瘪不堪的金属锅、陈旧的大木桶、竹篮、旧斗笠、老土灶、各种形状大小的陶罐,还有体积较大的老式磨茶机、脱谷机以及农产品如烟叶、笋干等等所有这些均分别组合在不同的农舍背景之中,无论是景还是物均给人以历史沧桑感,丰富多变的物体质感正是周榕清审美情趣之所在。
      A closer look into them will unfold in details the textural differences between the newly-built walls and more ancient ones, of the wall bases by stones of irregular sizes, and of the gates and steps made up of huge slab stones.

12. 陈旧不堪

12. 读者某君要搬家了,清理祖父遗物时,发现一个陈旧不堪的木箱里有些字画,画的是奔马、飞鸟等。
      A reader who was moving house found some calligraphy and paintings of horses and Birds in an old wooden crate while clearing up stuff Belonging to his late grandfather.

13. 他依旧很漂亮,但是看上去神情颓丧,衣服陈旧不堪
      Still handsome, he looked dissipated, shabby.

14. 英国的核电站已经陈旧,煤力发电站污秽不堪,这已经不再是什么国家机密了。
      It is hardly a national secret that the country's nuclear plants are old and its coal-power stations filthy.

15. 他认为,过去的思维和逻辑陈旧不堪,现已不合时宜。
      As he argues, the worn-out thinking and exhausted logic of the past have lost their relevance.