

陡壁悬崖[dǒu bì xuán yá]

词典steep cliffs and crags陡壁悬崖。


词典There are high cliffs (on both sides).

陡壁悬崖 汉英大词典

陡壁悬崖[dǒu bì xuán yá]


steep cliffs and crags; There are high cliffs (on both sides).

陡壁悬崖 双语例句

1. 一刻钟后,船又在两面碧森森的悬崖陡壁之间的狭窄的江面上行驶了。
    A quarter of an hour later, the boat is steaming along a narrow stretch of river again between sheer cliffs darkly green.

2. 在辽宁境内,明代辽东镇的长城有一种叫山险墙、劈山墙的,就是利用悬崖陡壁,稍微把崖壁劈削一下就成为长城了。
    Within the boundaries of Liaoning, the the Ming Dynastydistant Dongzhen's Great Wall has one kind to be called the steepmountainous place wall, to divide the gable, uses the cliff steepcliff, slightly divided truncates becomes the Great Wall.

3. 陡壁悬崖

3. 农夫和商人使用牛来搬运货物,它们在陡壁悬崖如履平地。
    Farmers and merchants use the ox to carry wares and people on the steep paths in the mountains.

4. 这条山路非常崎岖,旁边就是陡壁悬崖
    The mountain path is rough and rugged.

5. 火山口内,周围是长满野生植物的陡壁悬崖,岩壁的一側有缺口。
    The mouth of the volcano, surrounded by the steep wall on the edge of a cliff covered with wild plants, the side wall of a gap.

6. 听到尾随而来的骑兵马上要追上了,小羊倌掏出口袋里的那块石头丢了出去,石头马上变成了一座陡壁悬崖的大山,追来的马全倒在地上,跌断了腿。
    It changed instantly into a steep, rocky mountain, and the horses all fell and broke their legs.

7. 桥梁转体施工工艺是在深山峡谷、悬崖陡壁、地形险峻的桥位上架设桥梁的有效方法。
    And it can avoid upper air works to ensure the construction quality.

8. 陡壁悬崖在线翻译

8. 内陆地区有一些很有意思的徒步远足路线,但多数徒步者都去爬悬崖陡壁。
    There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops

9. 山峰的南北两面悬崖陡壁,东西两面延缓渐低,东、西、南三面河水环绕,山光水色,风景如画。
    The two north-south mountain cliff walls, two things gradually low delay, East, West, South of the river surrounded farmland, the picturesque.

10. 陡壁悬崖在线翻译

10. 该小岛的边沿是悬崖陡壁。
    The small island ends in vertical cliff.

11. 桥梁转体施工工艺是在深山峡谷、悬崖陡壁、地形险峻的桥位上架设桥梁的有效方法。
      The bridge rotation construction craft is the efficient method especially in the gorge, cliff, or arduous landform for its simple erection equipment, short time limit, safe construction.