1. 由于修习五戒教育,她获得了美德和一颗平静的心,因此鹤投生到印度北部瓦腊纳西一户陶匠家里做了人,而且容貌殊丽。
Following the Five Training Steps had brought her both merit and a peaceful mind. So she was reborn in the wonderful state of mankind, into a potter's family in Benares, in northern India.
2. 在陶匠转轮上的泥土不必猜测自己将变成甚麼形状的器皿。
My Lord must not be cross-questioned any more by one so ignorant as I am.
3. 陶匠的反义词
3. 你必以铁杖将他们粉碎,就如同打破陶匠的瓦器。
Thou shalt rule them with a rod of iron, and shalt break them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
4. 你不过是被陶匠所创造的陶瓷,泥土不会问:你为何将我造成这个样子?
You are merely a clay pot shaped by a potter: The clay doesn't ask, Why did you make me this way?
5. 由于便宜的塑料碗、桶充斥市场,乡村陶匠变得多余了。
Village potters become redundant as cheap plastic bowls and buckets flood the market.
6. 陶匠什么意思
6. 我总是希望我能学做一名陶匠。
I have always wished I could learn to be a potter.
7. 陶匠
7. 我是一名陶匠,长官
I'm a potter, sir.