

随声附和[suí shēng fù hè]



词典agree to what sb. says随声附和。

词典agree to what other people say随声附和。


词典agree with what other people say, whether right or wrong

词典chime in with what anybody says随声附和。

随声附和 汉英大词典

随声附和[suí shēng fù hè]


agree to what sb. says; agree to what other people say; agree with what other people say, whether right or wrong; chime in with what anybody says; echo what others say; follow another's lead in voicing one's opinion; follow the crowd; follow the majority b

  例:对他们的意见要加以分析, 不要随声附和

    We should analyse what they said and not just agree with everything.

随声附和 网络解释

1. 随声附和

1. assentation:assent 同意 | assentation 随声附和 | assert 断言

2. 随声附和是什么意思

2. echo n:eccentric adj.古怪的;不同圆心的n.古怪的人;偏心圆 | echo n.回声;回音;回波v.发回声;随声附和,重复 | ecology n.生态,生态学