1. 绿山雀 威廉·华兹华斯在果树繁枝密叶的下方,雪白的花瓣落到我头上,周遭是一片耀眼的阳光,春日里,晴朗和煦;多美呀,在这隐僻的角落,在我家果园椅子上独坐,又一次欢迎鸟儿和花朵,去年的旧侣又重聚!
The Green Linnet by William Wordsworth Beneath these fruit-tree boughs that shed Their snow-white blossoms on my head, With brightest sunshine round me spread Of spring's unclouded weather, In this sequestered nook how sweet To sit upon my orchard-seat!
2. 当一个学者看见一头鹤或甚至一头苍鹭,既庄严又纯洁的静立在隐僻的池塘时,他真希望他自己也会化成一头鹤呢。
As one sees a stork, or even a heron, standing motionless in the marshes of some secluded pond, dignified, elegant and white and pure, the scholar wishes that he were a stork himself.
3. 隐僻什么意思
3. 从秘鲁的沿海地带到伦敦的市中心,从崎岖的澳大利亚海边到圣保罗市内,从引人入胜的新西兰高山幽僻处到沿海隐僻处,从美洲的大草原到寒冷的奥斯陆,从华丽的西印度群岛到炎热的东南亚,从偏远的立陶宛到哥斯达黎加,这些也只是具有特色的一小部分地点。
The coast of Peru, inner-city London, rugged Australian coastal sites, urban Sao Paulo, spectacular New Zealand alpine retreats and coastal hideaways, American prairies, frosty Oslo, the gorgeous West Indies, tropical Southeast Asia, suburban lithuania, and Costa Rica are just a sprinkling of the enviable sites featured.
4. 隐僻的意思
4. 或者退到深藏着的隐僻的地方,远离人群的喧闹
The spring, Or withdrawn to muse and meditate in some deep recess
5. 隐僻什么意思
5. 圣塞吉阿斯在该地区修建了一所隐僻的僧侣院。
St Sergius founded in this area a secluded monastic abode.
6. 隐僻的翻译
6. 最终的修改其实很简单,那个蛋在加载的时候会让屏幕变黑,但是很隐僻
The last modification is extremely simple. The egg, upon loading, sets the screen to black. But it does so caching.
7. 隐僻的近义词
7. 对此,有些读者会表示反对,尤其是那些刚刚从佛蒙特州东北王国的某个隐僻角落、或法国偏远地区度假归来的读者们。
At this point a reader, especially one who has just returned from holiday in a secluded corner of Vermont's north-east kingdom or la France profonde, will object.
8. 夏季的隐僻所看起来很漂亮!
Summer retreat is looking nice!