




隐忍不发 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 但Draco之前曾对Potter敞开心怀的后果,已经让他痛苦了这么多年,所以他隐忍不发,退步不前,让Potter离去,一次又一次。
    But Draco suffered for years after the last time he knowingly opened himself up to Potter, so he held off, stepped back, and allowed Potter to leave, time and again.

2. 甚至在感觉利大于弊时也能做到隐忍不发;一旦觉得弊大于利时,便与之决裂。
    Mutual benefits drew them together at one time; disagreements separated them apart at others.

3. 可是直到去年以前,东欧国家一直对布什政府隐忍不发,而西欧国家则不断报怨美政府的无能与拙劣。
    Until last year, the eastern countries swallowed their misgivings about George Bush, while the west of the continent writhed in distaste at what many saw as his administration`s incompetence and heavy-handedness.

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4. 憧憬或抱怨都没有任何用处,都不如隐忍不发,潜心砥砺,待时机到时,一飞冲天,一鸣惊人。
    Expectations and complaints will not help, it's better to stop complaining and do some deeds helpful silently and get ready to fly up into the sky.