

雄心勃勃[xióng xīn bó bó]

词典an overwhelming manly spirit -- aspiring雄心勃勃。

词典be alive with ambition雄心勃勃。

词典lofty aspirations and great ideals雄心勃勃。

词典very ambitious心比天高;雄心勃勃。

雄心勃勃 汉英大词典

雄心勃勃[xióng xīn bó bó]


an overwhelming manly spirit -- aspiring; be alive with ambition; lofty aspirations and great ideals; very ambitious; with breathless eagerness to; with determination and ardour [zeal]; with high aims [aspiration; ambitions]; with the ambition of Theseus:

  例:这项计划雄心勃勃, 值得称赞。

    The program is laudably ambitious.