

雅雅[yǎ yǎ]


雅雅 双语例句

1. 附注:雅雅现在正和爸妈到大马旅游,这也是玩的其中一种项目!
    P/s: I am now on vacation with my parents to Malaysia, another kind of PLAY!

2. 雅雅我现在学会的话越来越多,不但能够表达自己,更爱问问题。
    I have been learning to talk, at the moment I could express myself well and like to ask questions.

3. 雅雅的解释

3. 雅雅则喜欢在装有温度控制的、有凉或暖的石头上玩耍。
    Ya Ya loves to play on the temperature-controlled hot and cold rocks.

4. 雅雅

4. 2003年的4月,乐乐和雅雅到达美国田纳西的孟斐斯。
    In April 2003, Le Le and Ya Ya, arrived in Memphis, Tennessee.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 总体而言,托雅雅思和托福两个项目在2006年至2007年两年间的发展虽然有些不均衡,但发展势头强劲。
    To sum up, the two programs offered at ToyaIELTS and TOEFL, showed a strong momentum of development though it was unbalanced.

6. 雅雅

6. 总体而言,托雅雅思和托福两个项目在2006年至2007年两年间的发展固然有些不均衡,但发展势头强劲。
    To sum up, the two programs offered at Toya—IELTS and TOEFL, showed a strong momentum of development though it was unbalanced.

7. 总体而言,托雅雅思和托福两个项目在2006年至2007年两年间的发展虽然有些不均衡,但发展势头强劲。
    To sum up, the two programs offered at Toya—IELTS TOEFL, showed a strong momentum of development though it was unbalanced.

8. 其中一人是巴哈欧拉的同父异母兄弟,名叫米尔扎·叶海亚(Mírzá Yahyá,旧译密尔萨·雅亚、密尔扎·雅雅),在生活上曾受到巴哈欧拉无微不至的照顾。
    Among them was Bahá'u'lláh`s own half-brother Mírzá Yahyá who was living under His loving care.

9. 2007年3-10月份托雅雅思与托福项目的招生总量为2400人次,与2006年同期相比增长了800%。
    The total student enrollment of IELTS and TOEFL of Toya during March and October of2007 was2, 400 person times, an increase by800% over the same period of2006.