


词典misty rain烟雨;雨烟。

雨烟 双语例句

1. 好了,就此打住吧,如果我以后有新的笔名,将在第一时间来此作个补记,一定让喜欢雨烟的朋友们先睹为快。
    Good, stops in light of this, if I later will have the new pen name, will come this in the first time to make to make up records, certainlywill let the friends which will like the rain smoke consider it apleasure to be among the first to read.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 于是,我又取一个笔名兼网名——王雨烟
    Thereupon, Itake pen name concurrently network - Wang Yuyan.

3. 雨烟什么意思

3. 刘亦菲:我觉得这个角色是一个很难演的角色,跟之前的要求不一样,像《仙剑》,从《天龙八部》说起,《天龙八部》里面其实王雨烟的戏份不是很多,《仙剑》虽然灵儿为主线,但是经常失踪,一下就不见了。
    Is quite unlike all the characters before. firstly i would like to date back to 天龙, in that series, the character of 王语嫣 is not important enough; later on, in chinese paradin, although the girl named 灵儿 i act the part of is considered as a mainspring, she always plays the game of missing.

4. z#l8Do3UB0 船泊冠岩码头,此时漓江上的雨雾便渐渐地浓了起来,雨烟变为雨丝,飘飘忽忽拂向面颊,游人中那些爱美的女孩便已急急地撑起了各色的花伞,融入斜斜的雨丝中,融入满目的葱翠中,隐没在这漫山遍野的花海里。
    Ship is kwan'am pier, this time on the Lijiang River will be gradually concentrated rain and fog up, the rain turned into strands of rain drift smoke, fluttering 忽忽 whisk to the cheek, visitors in the beauty of the girl who had already rushed to prop up the colors of the Hua San, melting the strands of rain drift into the slanting, the integration into the stretch of lush, the flowers, hidden hill and dale in the sea.

5. 万般尘事潇潇雨,烟消云散一身轻《雨烟诗词》,能让自己超凡脱俗,是我用这个名字的本意。
    Ten thousand kinds the worldly affairs deepand clear deep and clear rain, vanishes into thin air a body lightly"Rain Smoke Poetry, can unusually let oneself be refined, is I usesthis name the original intention.