

雨脚[yǔ jiǎo]

词典dense raindrops雨脚。

雨脚 汉英大词典

雨脚[yǔ jiǎo]


dense raindrops

雨脚 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. YYJP:YYLv 雨量(yǔliang) | YYJP 雨脚(yǔjiao) | YYJi 雨季(yǔji)

雨脚 双语例句

1. 雨脚是什么意思

1. 这也正如密密的雨脚之中,远处的楼宇虽然有着阔大的屋檐,但给你的却是阴郁的忧愁;因为近处的你,当下的需要,仅仅是一把小小的伞而己。
    This is also like you seeking shelter in the heavy rain: the building with a large wide eave in the far distance presents you just a gloomy picture, but what you strongly need right now in is only a small umbrella.

2. 外面的蒙蒙细雨是看不见的,看得见的只是车窗上不断地来临的小雨点同河面上错杂得可喜的纤纤雨脚
    My eyeballs penetrate the window, seeing the rain continuing. Fall farmlands are not what they used to be. The fine drizzle obscures the world.

3. 雨脚的近义词

3. 让思想的火炬飞越乱云飞渡,雨脚如麻的岁月,穿行在漫漫长夜亘古荒原,在坎坷中前行,在低谷中攀升,照亮你前行的长路。
    Let the torch of thinking over the chaos飞渡cloud, rain foot, such as Ma years, through the long night in the ancient wilderness, the first line in the rough, in the bottom up, before you light up the long way to go.

4. 床头屋漏无干处,雨脚如麻未断绝。
    A leaky house, have nothing to do bedside Department, the rain did not cut off feet, such as hemp.

5. 雨脚

5. 不知从什么时候起,雨脚忽然收了。
    I do not know from what time, the rain suddenly at the feet.