

雪堤[xuě dī]



雪堤 汉英大词典

雪堤[xuě dī]



雪堤 网络解释

1. snowbank::无论在体征症状方面都与常见的特发性中间葡萄膜炎基本一致相异处在于本病的小雪球样渗出团位于玻璃体基底部接近视网膜大小约1/5PD往往呈串珠样排列而不像特发性中间葡萄膜炎位于睫状体平坦部的雪堤(snow bank)状渗出(1)类肉瘤

雪堤 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 除了路边的雪堤之外人们没有什么好的方法来冷藏食物,这时你就会看到人与狗抢食的画面了。
    There is not much in the way of refrigeration except for the snowbanks, and then 8the dogs must be fought off.

2. 国内在天山公路、川藏公路、滇藏公路、中尼公路等多雪高寒山区的道路交通中,逐步采取了导风板、防雪崩走廊、导雪堤、防雪栅栏等工程防治措施,积累了一些雪害的治理经验。
    In highway and railway system, former USSR and China obtain as much experienced in bring snow disaster under control. The paper integrate Chian - Kyrgizstan - Uzbekistan railway line roadway situation option, introduce baffle, Snow Corridor etc.

3. 雪堤什么意思

3. 但还没等我的双脚落地,滑雪缆车的升降椅就推着我越过一些路锥,把我推进一道雪堤中。
    But before I could get my footing, the lift chair shoved me over some traffic cones and into a snowbank.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 如何打各种各样的结,这样当他们想把船系牢或者把车拉出沟渠或雪堤时,就会有备无患。
    How to tie a variety of knots so whether they are tying up a boat or pulling a car out of a ditch or snowbank they are better armed.

5. 雪堤是什么意思

5. 如何打各种各样的结,这样当他们想把船系牢或者把车拉出沟渠或雪堤时,就会有备无患。
    How to tie a variety of knots so whether they are tying up a boator pulling a car out of a ditch or snowbank they are better armed.

6. 鼹鼠以为他们挖的是一道雪堤,但现在他看到雪底下是一道门。
    The Mole had thought that they were digging into a snowbank, but now he saw that there was a door under the snow.

7. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

7. 所以她选择决定自己来拉,至少可以保证它不会倾斜入路边的雪堤里。
    And so she had opted to determine its moves herself. At least she could trust that it would not go careening into a snowbank that way.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 多一点时间,多一点热,这些丘陵只不过是四月的雪堤
    And the hills are but April snow-banks.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 在这对夫妇猛烈撞击了一个雪堤后,交配出一只从受伤中复原的雌鸟。
    A mating dance has a female bird recovering from injuries after the couple slammed into a snowbank.

10. 滑行道跑道左手边的雪堆(雪堤)。
    Caution the snow-drift (snow-banks) on the left hand side of the taxiway (runway).

11. 雪堤

11. 游泳者又出现在草地边缘,奔跑着,挥舞着湿毛巾。注意!滑行道跑道左手边的雪堆(雪堤)。
      The bathers reappeared on the grass-ridge racing and flapping wet towels. Caution the snow-drift (snow-banks) on the left hand side of the taxiway (runway).

12. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

12. 如何打各种各样的结,这样当他们想把船系牢或者把车拉出沟渠或雪堤时,就会有备无患。
      Hellip; how to tie a variety of knots so whether they are tying up a boat or pulling a car out of a ditch or snowbank they are better armed.