

雪桥[xuě qiáo]


雪桥 汉英大词典

雪桥[xuě qiáo]


雪桥 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. snow bridges:snow basket/阻雪环/ | snow bridges/雪桥/ | snow climbing/雪攀/

2. 雪桥的反义词

2. snow bridge:雪磧 snowdrift | 雪桥 snow bridge | 雪取样器 snow sampler

雪桥 双语例句

1. 一夜之间,忽然冒出那么多的雪城、雪洞,还有雪桥、雪台和雪墙——要依我,真想跟它们一连玩上几个钟头。
    Making you jump and run for cover.

2. 离开营地约一个半小时后,Dylan压垮了一个横在裂缝上的不牢固的雪桥
    About an hour after leaving camp, Dylan broke through a weak snow bridge over a crevasse.

3. 雪桥

3. 在这张由拯救队所摄的照片中,你可以清楚地看到车子向后溜下陡坡的轨迹,正好停在雪桥上,距离从左边掉下去的就只差几公分了。
    On this photo taken by one of the rescuing team you can clearly see the tracks made from the truck sliding BACKWARDS down the slope.

4. 当你每次经过可疑的雪桥或者冰川破碎的截面,使用探测杆来找出浅雪和隐蔽的雪洞。
    Whenever you are crossing a suspect snow bridge or heavily crevassed section of glacier, use a probe pole to check for shallow snow and hidden holes.

5. 离开营地约一个半小时后,Dylan压垮了一个横在裂缝上的不牢固的雪桥
    Bbout an hour after leaving camp, Dylan broke through a weak snow bridge over a crevasse.

6. 钱雪桥%崔奕波%解绶启%薛敏养殖鱼类饲料蛋白需要量的研究进展水生生物学报,2002,(4)杨国华%李军%郭履骥夏花青鱼饵料中最适蛋白质含量水产学报,1981,1
    Vergara J M%Fernandez-Palacios H%Robaina L The effects of varying dietary protein level on the growth, feed efficiency, protein utilization and body composition of gilthead sea bream fry Fisheries Science, 1996, null

7. 冰川行走其中一个最大的危险是雪桥断裂,接着掉进冰裂缝。
    One of the biggest hazards of glacier travel is breaking through a snow bridge and falling into a crevasse.