1. xue cang:薯莨 shu lang | 雪藏 xue cang | 雪糕 xue gao
1. 我感觉还是让莱瑞先雪藏为妙,我不想让梅蒂感觉更糟。
I asked Maddie trying to feel her out, to see if she wanted to know more.
2. 最终的结果是,他被雪藏了,和他的才智一起雪藏了近四十年。
The end result was that he had been left all but alone with his thoughts for
3. 雪藏
3. 意译:拍摄方可以通过雪藏或其他的如控制他们的生活的手段惩罚它的演员。
The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives.
4. 雪藏
4. 面团待在室温1小时,然后雪藏至少30分钟,不多於24小时。
Leave the dough at room temperature for 1 hour and then refrigerate for at least 30 minutes or up to 24 hours.
5. 雪藏什么意思
5. 大自然的威力可以强大到令人难以置信,如果你以为大自然已没有多少雪藏的秘密的话,那你就错了。
The power of nature can be powerful to be true, if you think that there is not much of nature's secrets, then frozen, then you are wrong.
6. 由于商业上的不良影响,这份报告被迅速的收回并雪藏起来。
The report was immediately withdrawn and locked away, never to be seen again, as it was clearly bad for business.
7. 雪藏的解释
7. 6:16 这河、因结冰发黑、有雪藏在其中
Which are dark because of the ice, and the snow falling into them
8. 曾经在体验服悄悄露过一次小脸的宠物宝宝们,再一次的被雪藏了一段时间之后终于正式登场了,而有心的玩家也会发现,PK场中更是出现了宠物的身影哦,带宠PK,俨然已成为时下格斗场的一股潮流。
Experience serving quietly in one little face exposed pet baby who was put on ice for another period of time after the official debut at last, and interested players will find, PK field is a pet shadow Oh, with Chong PK, current fighting has become a market trend.
9. 雪藏
9. 丹飞:不知道我或者中国读者是否有幸得到您的签名照片?我可以雪藏,也可以用在媒体上。
Could you present a photo with your signature for Chinese readers or me if I`m lucky enough to keep privately or use in media?
10. 6:16 这河、因结冰发黑、有雪藏在其中。
Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid
11. 徐向前雪藏了一整团人用于红军发起反攻。
Xu Xiangqian kept an entire regiment on ice until the Red Army went on counter attack.
12. 而且我不确定防守那样的选手需要额外雪藏一名求援。
And I am not sure that a defence of that calibre requires the protection of an extra holding player.
13. 当年生播种苗落叶后,可采用温室内越冬或室外雪藏越冬;
After defoliation, one-year seedlings could live through the winter in greenhouse or burring outdoor with snow.
14. 教练把主力雪藏起来,决赛再派上场。
The coach kept the top players till the final.
15. 涉毒艺人被雪藏。
The star involved in drug trafficking was rested.
16. 911查询·英语单词
16. 在取胜安科纳的比赛中,维耶里没有上场,对此法切蒂的解释是为了联盟杯与本菲卡的比赛而雪藏了这名前锋。
Vieri was left out of the weekend win over ancona, but Facchetti claims it was a move to protect the striker for the UEFA Cup clash with benfica.
17. 雪藏
17. 为了备战在斯坦福桥的比赛,拉涅利雪藏了一些球员,比如阿毛里和亚历桑德罗。德尔。皮耶罗。
There is the temptation to rest players such as Amauri and Alessandro Del Piero ahead of the trip to Stamford Bridge.