




雪衣 网络解释

1. Snowsuit:裙子: Skirt | 雪衣: Snowsuit | 毛衣: Sweater

2. Snow coat:101 登山鞋 Mountain climbing shoes | 102 雪衣 Snow coat | 103 化學防護衣 Chemical protecting coat

3. ski jacket:skiing 滑雪 | ski jacket 雪衣 | snowman 雪人

雪衣 双语例句

1. 雪衣的意思

1. 随着湖泊、水塘全部冰封,蓑衣草披上了薄薄的一层雪衣,也许偶而能见到一只好奇的北极幼狐慢跑着越过苔原。
    The North Geomagnetic Pole the point of intersection of the Earth's surface with the axis of a simple magnetic dipole that best approximates the Earth's actual more complex magnetic field.

2. 雪衣的反义词

2. 一个小男孩有一件新雪衣、一顶新雪帽、一双新雪鞋和一双新手套。
    A little boy has a new snow suit, a new hat, new snow boots and new mittens.

3. 他们叫一分钟人不是雪衣小子
    And they're called the Minutemen, not the Snowsuit Guys!

4. 雪衣的意思

4. 如果你想出去玩雪,你最好把雪衣穿上才不会冷。
    If you want to go outside and play in the snow, you had better put on your snowsuit to keep warm.

5. 太棒了 雪衣小子!
    Way to go, Snow Guys.

6. 奶奶买了这套雪衣,当做孟田的生日礼物。
    Grandma bought Fiona this snowsuit for her birthday.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. 你救了我雪衣小子
    For saving me. Snowsuit Guy.

8. 雪衣的意思

8. 我伸出手去触摸那片片雪花,感觉到它们是那么的白,那么的纯洁……白雪覆盖大地,万物皆穿雪衣,我们走出房间去滑雪、堆雪人、打雪仗……这是冬天里我们最快乐的时光。
    They are so white and so pure…When the whole ground is covered with snow and all things put on snow clothes, We go out of the room to ski, make a snowman or make snowballs and throw them…It is the happy time for us in winter.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 极地雪衣藻的研究进展
    Research Progress on Chlamydomonas nivalis The Color of Snow