

零杂[línɡ zá]




零杂 双语例句

1. 零杂在线翻译

1. 东巴经按经卷分类为:祭天经、祭风经、开丧经、超荐经、祭龙王经、除秽经、求寿经、零杂经、卜算经、诵经及跳神规程。
    Dongba scriptures by classified as: Heaven, as, after the wind festival, the mourning after, super recommended by, Longwang festival by, with the exception of Tourette by, and life by, miscellaneous by zero, 卜算by, chanting and Dance of order.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 那琐碎的,零杂的,感官的,物质的,欲念的,都一一在他观照事物,看待世界之时介入进来。
    It comes in as he observe business and view the world that of the petty, motleys, Sensua, corporeal, orectic.

3. 把那些零杂玩意儿收拾起来。
    Clear away those odds and ends.

4. 以下的零杂报告可能是抄送给您的状态报告,或是发送给您的非必需的状态报告。
    The miscellaneous status reports below may be status reports that you were sent a copy of or unrequested status reports that were sent to you.