


词典lose face丢脸,失去自尊与别人的信任,失去尊严/影响力/名望;坍台;现眼;面上无光。

词典make a fool of oneself出丑;丢人现眼;闹笑话;<口>做傻事,丢丑。

词典make an exhibition of oneself出洋相, 当众出丑;大出洋相;出乖露丑;丢丑。

词典bring shame on oneself给自己带来耻辱。

露丑 双语例句

1. 至于他假充斯文,与词典专家商榷,却又出乖露丑,结果闹出许多笑话,那都有案可查,不是他想翻就能翻掉的。
    The only sympathy Curculio has for you is: your real or imagined need to 看着别人的脸色过一辈子 WITHOUT recourse.

2. 露丑什么意思

2. 西蒙酒一喝多,就总是会出乖露丑
    Simon always makes a complete ass of himself.

3. 备课 不认真备课,上了讲台怎能不出乖露丑
    When class was over the teacher prepared another lesson.

4. 露丑

4. 别嚷嚷,孩子他爹,莫雷尔太太说,别那么出乘露丑的了。
    'Hold your noise, man', said Mrs. Morel; 'and don't look so ridiculous.'

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 现在等待我的只有当众露丑,毁灭,可怕的羞耻,世人的嘲笑,一种孤独的不光彩的生活,也许还有哪天等待我的一种孤独的不光彩的死?
    And now what is there before me but public disgrace, ruin, terrible shame, the mockery of the world, a lonely dishonoured life, a lonely dishonoured death, it may be, some day?

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 是审丑,不是露丑&从审美视角看张艺谋的影片
    Checking but not Exposing Ugly: On the Movies of Zhang Yimou from the Angel of Aesthetic View

7. 露丑的解释

7. 别嚷嚷,孩子他爹,莫雷尔太太说,别那么出乘露丑的了。
    'Hold your noise, man', said Mrs. Morel;'and don't look so ridiculous.'