

露马脚[lòu mǎ jiǎo]

词典give oneself away露马脚,现原形;露出狐狸尾巴;露馅儿;挂幌子。

词典betray one's identity露马脚。

词典let the cat out of the bag真相大白,秘密泄露;露马脚;露出狐狸尾巴;露馅儿。


词典reveal the true state of affairs露马脚。

词典show the cloven foot露马脚。

露马脚 汉英大词典

露马脚[lòu mǎ jiǎo]

give oneself away; betray one's identity; let the cat out of the bag; reveal the true state of affairs; show one's hoof; show one's true colours:


    The thief gave himself away by spending so much money.


    He betrayed himself without meaning to.

露马脚 双语例句

1. 露马脚在线翻译

1. 他奇怪的穿着已经把他暴露了。
    Give oneself away 泄露, 露马脚His strange dressing has given himself away.

2. 劳拉想和父亲开个玩笑,可是她一笑就露了马。。。
    Give oneself away 露马脚, 露破绽例句: Laura played a joke on her father and gave herself away by laughing.

3. 露马脚的反义词

3. 劳拉想和父亲开个玩笑,可是她一笑就露了马脚。
    Give oneself away露马脚, 露破绽例句: Laura played a joke on her father and gave herself away by laughing.

4. 你看 ﹐一个人说谎或许还比较容易﹐但是要两个人同时散播同一个谎言﹐就很难做到天衣无缝﹐不露马脚
    You see, one person can be very consistent with a lie. But for two people to propagate one lie, it will be difficult to maintain its consistency and accuracy.

5. 露马脚

5. 有人就要露马脚了。
    Somebody's gonna trip up.

6. 谎言总要露马脚的。
    Lies are bound to be exposed.

7. 请你当心,万一他提到我,不要露了马脚。唉!你没有什么可以露马脚的,你无所恐惧。
    Be on your guard, and do not betray yourself, should he mention me-youself! Alas! You have nothing to betray-nothing to fear.

8. 露马脚在线翻译

8. 现原形,露马脚
    Set sth. on its feet

9. 他迄今没有露马脚
    He didn't give himself away so far.