

青冥[qīnɡ mínɡ]



青冥 双语例句

1. 李慕白是位传奇英雄,决定将他的青冥剑继传给好友保管。
    Li Mu Bai is a legendary martial artist who has decided to pass on his sword, the Green Destiny, to a friend.

2. 青冥什么意思

2. 不!我没那种本事,如果有,我早就达到圆融境界,出入青冥了。
    No! I don`t have that ability. If I did, I would have achieved a perfect state and pass freely between worlds.

3. 而玉蛟龙欲以青冥剑来斩断阻碍罗小虎的枷锁,他们私定终身。
    The jade dragon trying tocut off Qingming Jian Luo Xiaohu obstruction of the yoke, they will be private life.

4. 青冥的翻译

4. 青冥浩荡不见底,日月照耀金银台。
    But now the sun and moon illumine a gold and silver terrace,

5. 一代大侠李慕白有退出江湖之意,托付红颜知己俞秀莲将青冥剑转交给贝勒爷收藏,不料当夜遭玉娇龙窃取。
    Li Mubai errant generation (Chow Yun-fat played) have to withdraw from the political arena of Italy, entrusted sirens friendYu Xiulian will be transferred to the Qingming Jian Bei Leye collection, unexpectedly Yujiao by night-long to steal.

6. 青冥的解释

6. 《卧虎藏龙2》设定在第一部的故事发生后20年,讲述的是四位武侠英雄努力保护青冥宝剑的故事。
    The Green Destiny, set 20 years after the events of the first movie, follows four martial arts heroes trying to protect the Green Destiny sword.