

Green stems;
青茎 双语例句

1. 本实验是以热水及乙醇萃取海巴戟天之叶、青茎、褐茎及果实,并且以免疫转印分析粗萃物抑制溶裂蛋白质Rta的表现量,结果显示乙醇粗萃物抑制溶裂蛋白质的能力比水粗萃物佳,叶子乙醇粗萃物在400 慊/ml的浓度就能抑制90%的溶裂蛋白质表现,其他部位的乙醇粗萃物在600 慊/ml的浓度也能完全抑制溶裂期蛋白Rta的表现。
    The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficacy of hot water and ethanolic extracts from leaves, green stems, brown stems and fruits against EBV Rta expression. This investigation used immunoblot assay to show the 90% inhibitory activity of ethanolic extracts from leaves at concentration 400 慊/ml. The Rta expression was fully inhibited by 600 慊/ml ethanolic extracts from brown stems, green stems and fruits