

静极思动[jìng jí sī dòng]

词典be very active physically after a forced quiet静极思动。

词典After a prolonged rest, one thinks of a move.

静极思动 汉英大词典

静极思动[jìng jí sī dòng]

be very active physically after a forced quiet; After a prolonged rest, one thinks of a move.

静极思动 双语例句

1. 林心如从《还珠格格》后走红,近期她静极思动,将成立工作室,担任制片人。
    Ruby Lin was known by audience after the TV play " Princess Returning Pearl " in the near future, she will set up a studio and act as a producer.

2. 静极思动什么意思

2. 林心如从《还珠格格》后走红,近期她静极思动,将成立工作室,担任制片人。
    Ruby Lin was known by audience after the TV play " Princess Returning Pearl " in the near future, she will set up a studio and act as a producer.

3. Apr 17,2010 -地震预测研究需时数十年,倒不如研究如何释放地气更为实际,必须明白万物起源来源於气,物质形成乃是气化气感而成形,气的产生来自无极静极思动而来,释放地气能解决更多自然灾害。
    Apr 17, 2010 - Earthquake Prediction take several years, we should study how to free to air more practical, we must understand the origin of everything from gas, a sense of physical form but is shaped gasification gas, gas production from the very thought moving from static Promise release to air can solve the more natural disasters.

4. 静极思动的意思

4. 炒股团 众大牌肥上加膘今年股市有回暖迹象,去年赔惨了的明星们又开始静极思动
    Group stocks Focus on the big fat plus fat The stock market have been reactivated this year, signs of last year's pay was tragic, the stars begin to consider moving again.

5. 难道人类在居安数十年之后,又静极思动,连衣红那种涉世不深的少女,都自许肩负著救亡图存的使命?
    Was it possible that after living peacefully all these decades, human beings were again becoming restless? Even an unsophisticated young girl like Yi Hong took on herself the responsibility of saving people from their ruin.