


词典reading method读出法。

音读 双语例句

1. 音读

1. 听录音读单词。
    Listen to the tape and read after it.

2. 第四部分阐述了邢疏的主要内容,其内容包括五个方面,即标注音读、阐释词义、考辨文字、征引书证和发凡起例,我们较为详尽地解读了邢疏在以上五个方面所作的工作,比较充分而具体地把握了邢疏的主要内容。
    The first part serves as the introduction, which mainly draws a general picture of Erya, for example, the origination and contents of Erya, the formation and the coming down of the commentaries on Erya.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 研究主要从三个方面入手:一是考察了庄本的流传情况;二是从内容、音读、引书等几个方面对庄注进行了梳理;三是从版本比较的角度,考察了庄本与《道藏》本的异同。
    Our study can be divided into three parts: Firstly, we inspect the circulation of Zhuangkuiji's edition. Secondly, we make an investigation on Zhuangkuiji's notes from content. phonology and quotation.

4. 当一个字跟另外一个字组成一个词,我们要用汉越音,可以简称音读
    When a character is used in a twosilabic chinese loanword, than we need to use the standard sinovietnamese reading.

5. 属这一类的有契丹大字,西夏文和女真文;大量使用音读汉字和训读汉字的方法表达自己的语言,也用形声或其他方法创制表达本族语词的新字。
    There is this kind of Qidan characters, and Tangut and Nuzhen text of a large number of Chinese characters and the use of sound read Chinese characters reading training methods to express their own language and also Pictophonetic or other means to express their own languages, the word creation of a new word.

6. 音读的解释

6. 现在请你跟录音读注意单词的发音。
    T: Now, please listen and repeat.

7. 音读的近义词

7. 英文是拼音文字,语音介入被认为是英语阅读的存在,音读是阅读语义建构的心理语言事件。
    English is a spelling language, and it is evident that phonological intervention in reading is frequently seen and felt.

8. 音读的反义词

8. 这个动词不同的音读,反映了异彩纷呈的文化底蕴和丰富的表现力。
    Those different pronunciations reflect its colorful cultural connotations and rich expressions.

9. 音读在线翻译

9. 使用不标准的音读法比不用音读更经常造成混淆。

10. 音读的反义词

10. 能够掌握以上各种问题的重点所在,以决定出合适的音读,将能更正确的读出佛经的台语读音。
    By solving the problems listed above we will be able to settle more of Buddhist classics` Taiwanese reading pronunciation.

11. 音读

11. 宜兰是台湾漳州腔的代表地区,而溪北地区除了宜兰地区特有的褌字组之外,另保存了恭字组以及姜字组的音读
      I-Lan is the region that can be representative of Changchou dialect in Taiwan.

12. 音读是什么意思

12. 录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。
      C. The job ads will be carried in either of the other two newspapers.

13. 日语中的音读汉字构成了大量汉语复合词,读音以吴音和汉音为主。
      With goon or kanon pronunciations, onyomi-kanji in Japanese form a large number of kango compounds.

14. 音读的解释

14. 第三章主韵母为/a/的汉语中古音喉音汉字的中日音读对比研究。
      The research of the comparison between the Chinese and Japanese pronunciation of the gutturophony words in the mid-ancient Chinese pronunciation of the Chinese characters with/a/as the main final.

15. 把此字发音读错的人较少
      Mispronunciation of this word is comparatively rare.

16. 本文将《洪武正韵》的多音字通过计算机穷尽式的收集和整理逐字列出音读和切语,并依据音读数进行归类整理。
      This will " Hongwu are rhyme, " the multi-tone exhaustive word via the computer to collect and collate a verbatim audio reading lists and cutting language, and based on sound readings are classified order.

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. 《古音略例》是明代杨慎为了更好地考定古音音读而作的分析古韵韵例的著作。
      Analysis of Ancient Rhyme Patterns, written by Yang shen in the Ming Dynasty for the purpose of better study of ancient phonetic sounds, is a book which analyzes the patterns of ancient China's rhymes.

18. 音读在线翻译

18. 读后鼻辅音韵尾的汉字在日语中的音读
      Electronic Nose The pronunciation of - ng the ending Chinese Characters in Japanese

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 通过对日语汉字音读和汉语中古音进行比较,发现日语汉字音读与汉语中古音有强烈的对应关系。其中声假名和中古音声母的对应比较整齐:あ段全部对应喉音影、余二母;
      By a comparison on the Japanese phonetic-reading and Chinese mediaeval time tone, discovering that intense corresponding relationship existed in the mutual aspect.

20. 本文归纳出了这些汉字在日语中的音读与现代汉语普通话读音、汉语中古音的对应关系。
      I point out that there are corresponding relations between the pronunciation of modern Japanese and the pronunciation of modern Chinese or middle aged Chinese in this artical.