1. 长期以来,音韵学界对《增修互注礼部韵略》的研究缺乏应有的重视,时至今日,尚无一部综合研究的论著问世。
Over a long period of time, attentions to the studies on Zengxiuhuzhulibuyunluehave not been paid enough in thefield of phonology.
2. 首先,在韵部的合并上,毛晃父子把《礼部韵略》的108 韵合并为93 韵,从《增韵》今圈、增入又音中又可以去掉4韵,则为89 韵。
First, in the rhymedepartment merge, Mao Huang merged Libuyunlue`s 108 rhymes to93 rhymes, from Zengyun`s now circle and words in-rhyme, we can remove 4rhymes, then that is 89 rhymes.