1. head wind:当微下击暴流击中飞机时,突然增强的顶头风(Headwind)会令飞机升力增加. 一些未遇过微暴流的飞行员就会减速以减低升力. 之后飞机会穿过微暴流中心进入顺风带,顺风又会再令飞机的升力减少,最后飞机会因升力不足而坠毁.
2. HDWND Head wind:HDCHRS Head charterers 首席租船人 | HDWND Head wind 顶头风 | HH House -to - House 门到门
3. 顶头风的翻译
3. dead wind:dead wind 顶风 | dead wind 顶头风 | dead wind 逆风
4. 顶头风
4. wind ahead:windagescale 风力计 | windahead 顶头风 | windallowance 风修正量
1. 这种有害的发展状况将不仅扭转金融机构的资产债务表得到加强的局面,而且还将成为经济复苏的顶头风。
This adverse development could reverse the strengthening of financial institutions` balance sheets and create headwinds to the economic recovery.
2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
2. 要不是猛烈的顶头风,飞机会准时到达的。
Barring strong headwinds, the plane will arrive on schedule.
3. 顶头风
3. 希尔弗船长,你的船遇到了顶头风,处在下风岸,你会明白这一点的。
Your ship's in irons, Master Silver; you're on a lee shore, and so you'll find.
4. 顶头风的反义词
4. 如果不是猛烈的顶头风,飞机会准点到达的
Strong headwinds, the plane will arrive on schedule.
5. 顶头风的反义词
5. 倘若不是这样,地球的表明可被看做是顶头风,因为在飞机上或者某人站在地面上感觉就是这样。
Where this is not the case, then the Earth's surface assumes a head wind, as this is what it feels like to the airplane or someone standing on the surface.
6. 黄昏时分,我们的帆船遇上了顶头风。
Toward evening, our sailing boat met with a beating wind.
7. 星期三,在墨尔本,世界短跑冠军、美国选手莫里斯·格林抱怨顶头风使他未能打破100米世界纪录。
American world sprint champion Maurice Greene Blames a head wind for failing to Break the 100 metres world record in Melborne on Wednesday.
8. 一股顶头风在海中掀起了波浪。
A strong head wind lashed the sea into waves.
9. 掀起发展华文文艺热潮一股顶头风在海中掀起了波浪。
Call for concerted effort to develop Chinese literature A strong head wind lashed the sea into waves.
10. 顶头风的近义词
10. 星期三,在墨尔本,世界短跑冠军、美国选手莫里斯格林抱怨顶头风使他未能打破100米世界纪录。
American world sprint champion Maurice Greene Blames a head wind for failing to break the100 metres world record in Melborne on wednesday.
11. 有鉴于此,我们显然不能盲目乐观,认定股市在未来的交易日当中就不会遇到顶头风。
So we should by no means expect the market not to face headwinds in coming sessions.
12. 顶头风
12. 受投资者担忧中国经济增长影响,上海股市昨日大跌,创下14个月来的新低。有警告称,今年下半年中国出口将遭遇强烈的顶头风。
Fears over Chinese growth sent Shanghai stocks tumbling to their lowest level in 14 months on warnings that the country's exports faced strong headwinds in the second half of the year.