1. 顷襄
1. 楚怀王死后,顷襄王继位,屈原又遭到令尹子兰和上官大夫勒尚的陷害,被放逐到湖南沅、湘流域,但他始终热爱祖国。
Died, just succession, Qu Yuan was also SHANGGUAN vanilla and the frame is still large Shiffler, were deported to Hunan Yuan, Xiang River Basin, but his consistent love for the motherland.
2. 顷襄
2. 从现存文献来看,南楚散文赋盛行于战国后期,尤其是在顷襄王一朝,散文赋创作达到高峰,我们今天所见到的南楚散文赋已臻成熟,按理散文赋文体的萌芽和发展应该在它的成熟之前。
Today, we see Nanchu prosaic odes has matured, but according to the rule of prosaic odes's production and development, Nanchu prosaic odes should have a reasonably development before it's mature.
3. 此文在前人成果基础上论证了作于顷襄王十九年楚割让汉北给秦之后。
Absorbing the result of previous research, the author of this paper wants to prove that this work of Qu Yuan's was written after the State of Chu had ceded Northern Han to the State of Qin.