1. 大半生活在伊甸园的夫妻生命与生活顷间面对最严峻与痛苦的考验。
Will Wayne succeed in the most important negotiation ever... for his life?
2. 但愿这操于上帝之手,让它顷间化为烈火
But let Heav'n seize it, all at once'tis fir'd
3. 顷间是什么意思
3. 旅游小贴士:五道梁海拔较高且气候严寒多雨雪,由于山区关系,这里的天气变化莫测,即使7、8月份也会顷间下起雪来。
We passed the wide and silent Wudaoliang (altitude 5200KM), 3 appereance 1 day Feng Crater (Altitude 5100m), quiet and peaceful Yangze River headstream Toto river (4500m).
4. 蔺且从而问之,「夫子何为顷间甚不庭乎?
What happened on earth?