

The marriage;
项橐 双语例句

1. 这时候项橐出场了,就是这群小孩中的一个。
    At this time of the marriage out, it was a group of children.

2. 孔子顿时想起那个齐国神童来,当天便在当地住了下来,要找项橐说话。
    Confucius suddenly recall that Qi child prodigy, the day when the local living down, to find words of marriage.

3. 项橐对孔子说,我们筑的是座城,只听说车马绕城,没听说城让车马的。
    Confucius said of the marriage, we are building blocks of the city, only heard horsemen Ring, I have not heard of the city to horsemen.

4. 别说项橐没这个想法,即使有,他爸也不能让他这样干,旁边的农夫赶紧上来阻拦,连声向孔子陪不是。
    Never mind the idea of marriage did not, even though he does not let his dad do this, the next stop of the farmer quickly, repeatedly Peibushi to Confucius.

5. 孔子开始还不太相信一个七龄小童能有多大能耐,便心存轻视,可一上场就让项橐的几个问题给灭火了,几个问题一个也答不出来,项橐就嘲笑孔子说`孰为汝多知乎`。
    Confucius also do not believe that the beginning of a seven-age children to have much ability, they feel ignored, can be a game of marriage let a few problems to the fire, several do not have the answer to a question, the marriage to ridicule Confucius says'孰to know more between Ru'.

6. 项橐是什么意思

6. 要搁旁人这下可就真栽了,孔子还真拉的下脸,给项橐一鞠躬,口中称后生可畏,说是要拜项橐当老师。
    Others should be put aside Yanxiage really planted, Confucius really pull the next face, a bow to the marriage, said Houshenggewei mouth that the marriage thanks to a teacher.

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7. 可是子路在旁边都看在眼里,心里对项橐也不很满意,孔子毕竟还是有学问,看出子路的面色不豫,马上出言教导子路,说`三人行,必有我师焉`,于是乎孔子既在弟子面前保存了面子,又留下了谦虚不耻下问的美名。
    But in the next Zi Lu see in the eyes, the heart of marriage is not satisfactory, Confucius, after all, or are there learning, not looking to see Zi Lu Yu, a statement immediately teach Zi Lu, saying'three walk will be a division upon even when I', so between disciples of Confucius in the face of not only the preservation of the face, leaving a modest Buchixiawen the fine.