

Should Manchester;
须曼 双语例句

1. 但也有些布须曼人在冬季最干旱的季节里被迫集中在唯一的水源周围。
    However, some Bushmen in the driest winter season were forced to focus on only the surrounding water.

2. 只有布须曼人错过了这段融合的机会。
    Only the bushmen seem to have missed out on this panmictic party.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 为了获得生存所需要的水源和食物,布须曼人在夏季常常聚族而居,而到冬季,当水和食物不能满足需要的时候,便开始以家庭为单位向不同方向迁移,四处寻觅食物和水源。
    In order to survive needed food and water, the Bushmen in the summer, often together to form a clan, and by winter, when food and water can not meet the needs of the time, started on a household basis to move in different directions, looking for food around And water.

4. 须曼的反义词

4. 族群间的融合由此产生,而特殊的布须曼人自然被同化了。
    Panmixis thus came full circle. And that particular party was certainly not a happy one.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 大部分现在活着的人就是那次分离的一支,而大部分布须曼人是另一支。
    Most people now alive are on one side of that split. Most bushmen are on the other.

6. 须曼

6. 现在的大部分人类在当时都属于同一个阵营,而大部分布须曼人在另一边。
    Most people now alive are on one side of that split.

7. 近期的一起诉讼案也没有给布须曼人带来太大希望。
    And a recent court case does not inspire much hope for the Bushmen.

8. 2002年,布须曼人被赶出中央卡拉哈里动物保护区。
    In2002, the Bushmen were evicted from the Central Kalahari Game Reserve.

9. 须曼

9. 这位前工程师甚至还给外星人布置了任务:让他们在地球旅行的时候拍下照片,布须曼说这些照片就在自己手里。
    The former engineer even gave them an assignment: photograph the planets as they make the voyage to Earth and he claimed to have those photos.

10. 须曼的解释

10. 我们就像传说中的布须曼在沙漠荒地与另一个布须曼人相遇,叫喊着:早安!
    We are like the Bushman who, traditionally, on meeting another Bushman in a desert wilderness, cries, Good day!

11. 今年夏天,美国洛克希德马丁公司的前工程师博伊德布须曼曝光了一组外星人照片,并声称自己是在和外星人交谈的时候获得这些照片的。
      A former Lockheed Martin engineer showed off his pictures of aliens this summer that he claims to have obtained through conversations with extraterrestrial life.