

颠沛流离[diān pèi liú lí]

词典wander [drift] from place to place, enduring many hardships

词典be a vagabond, not by choice but by necessity


词典be put to one's shift, away from home


词典be vagrant on account of poverty颠沛流离。

颠沛流离 汉英大词典

颠沛流离[diān pèi liú lí]


(生活艰难, 四处流浪) wander [drift] from place to place, enduring many hardships; be a vagabond, not by choice but by necessity; be put to one's shift, away from home; be vagrant on account of poverty; in difficulty and distress; lead a homeless life; lead a vagra

  例:在旧社会, 残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战, 使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。

    In the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life.

颠沛流离 网络解释

1. 颠沛流离

1. suffering deprivations and hardships:难逃法网It is hard to escape the dragned of law. | 颠沛流离suffering deprivations and hardships. | 顾全大局for the interest of the whole.