

The flags;
风幡 双语例句

1. 现风幡阁中有六祖、达摩的石刻像碑,一面刻有六祖像,另一面刻有达摩像,这是元代的碑刻。
    Club banner is the wind in the Liuzu, Bodhidharma, as the stone monument, inscribed with a Liuzu like, the other side of the coin engraved with the Bodhidharma like, this is the Yuan Dynasty inscriptions.

2. 风幡在线翻译

2. 虔诚的高原人民把经文写在风幡上,祈求幸福吉祥。
    The pious people of the plateau wrote their wishes on the flags to pray for happiness.

3. 风幡阁墙壁上有两幅彩画:一幅是记载六现风幡论辩的事迹,一幅则记载达摩东渡的故事。
    Wind Club banner on the wall are two colored pattern: one is now six wind banner records the deeds of debate, a then record the story of Bodhidharma Dongdu.

4. 风幡的意思

4. 瘗发塔的东面是风幡阁,由原来的睡佛阁与风幡堂合为一体而得名。
    Yi is a tower of the eastern wind banner Court, from the sleep Foge banner with the wind as one of the Tong named after.