

风流儒雅[fēng liú rú yǎ]


词典cultured, talented and refined

风流儒雅 汉英大词典

风流儒雅[fēng liú rú yǎ]


cultured, talented and refined

风流儒雅 双语例句

1. 风流儒雅什么意思

1. 他出身豪门巨富,年轻英俊,风流儒雅,才华横溢。
    Tycoon of rich and powerful family of his one's previous experience, young and brilliant, tasteful Confucianism elegant, brilliant.

2. 茶饮习俗首先在寺院兴起;二是居士禅,唐代文人士大夫与寺院僧侣关系密切,追求风流儒雅的生活方式与理想完美人格,常在寺院参禅论诗,僧侣以茶待客,以文人骚客为友,茶成为文人与僧侣交往的传播媒介。
    First of all, tea customs in the rise of the monastery; Second, the Zen Buddhist, and the Tang Dynasty scholar-officials close to the temple monks, romantic pursuit of a refined way of life with the perfect ideal personality, often in the poetry of Zen temples, monks tea to guests to the literati poet To make friends, tea with the monks into civilian exchanges between the media.

3. 风流儒雅的反义词

3. 太原也许没有江南那么的儒雅风流蕴藉,但更多的是铮铮铁骨、飒飒豪气、猎猎侠风以及金戈铁马和古道驼铃。
    Taiyuan may not have the Jiangnan then refined by Yun Merry, but more is the clank of steel frame, the sough heroic, as well as the wind fluttering Xia Jin Ge Iron Horse and Camel Trail.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 从徽州出走的扬州盐商和他们的故乡一样不过分张扬,且有风流儒雅的气质,善结识文人雅士,而且谈吐不凡。
    Huizhou salt merchants of Yangzhou away from their hometown as overly assertive, and there is refined romantic temperament, good to know the literati, and extraordinary conversation.