

风筝[fēng zheng]


风筝 汉英大词典

风筝[fēng zheng]


风筝 网络解释

1. Cerf-volant:第一次接触到<<放牛班的春天>>(Les choristes)是无意间听到了电影中一首插曲--<<风筝>>(cerf volant),那旋律直入人心的力量,有想哭的冲动,虽然听不懂歌词的意思,虽然未曾看过这部电影,却已深深爱上了它,赶紧找来看,结尾处已泪流满面.

2. The Kite:1958年北京电影制片厂、法国加朗斯电影公司合制儿童故事片<<风筝>> (THE KITE) 是在哪里拍的,影片里的风筝是谁做的,做的是什么风筝? [/quote]

风筝 双语例句

1. 风筝的意思

1. 我抬头遥望那蔚蓝的天空,天空中只剩下漂浮的白云,思念的心像断了线的风筝在云的一端飞扬,此时此刻我的心是甜美的。
    I look into the distance that the rise of the blue sky, the sky is left floating in white clouds, like a broken heart miss a line of one end of kite flying in the clouds, at this very moment my heart is sweet.

2. 光触媒抗菌梦幻系列是新开发的系列,色彩多变,人站在不同角度可看出不同的颜色,能缓解人的不愉快心情与工作和生活的压力,而且三维立体效果强仿佛感觉在云里雾里,像放飞的风筝
    Antibiotic fantasy series is a recent-developed one with variable colors. The floor presents various colors from different perspectives, proving to be a relief to people's bad mood as well as the pressure from job and life. Walking on it will make one feel like a kite flying in the sky due to the splendid three-dimensional effect of the product.

3. 光触媒抗菌梦幻系列是新开发的系列,色彩多变,人站在不同角度可看出不同的颜色,能缓解人的不愉快心情与工作和生活的压力,而且三维立体效果强仿佛感觉在云里雾里,像放飞的风筝
    Light catalyst germproof Fantastic Series is a new developed one with variable colors. The floor presents various colors from different pespectives, proving to be a relief to one's negative mood as well as the pressure of job and life. Walking on it will make one feel like a kite flying in the sky due to the splendid three dimensional effect of our product.

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4. 放风筝制动油管和督导向上一旦它出水面。
    Release the brake lines and steer the kite upward once it's out of the water.

5. 它是一个机器人/气球/风筝
    It is a robot/balloon/kite.

6. 风筝什么意思

6. 我有一个娃娃/球/风筝/气球。
    I have a doll/ball/kite/balloon.

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7. 人们常常把一些人造的物体,诸如风筝、气球错认成飞碟。
    People often mistake some man-made objects such as a kite or a balloon for a UFO.

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8. 人们常常把诸如风筝或气球之类的人造物体误认为是不明飞行物。
    People often mistake some man-made objects such as a kite or a balloon for UFOs.

9. miya时代电气捕鱼卷轴,大teaser气球风筝,钓……查看所有电力捕鱼卷轴:我想感谢你们作出了很大的产品。
    Miya Epoch Electric fishing reels, great for teaser balloon kite, trolling … View All Electric Fishing Reels I would like to thank you for making a great product.

10. 风筝

10. 新加坡夜间飞行风筝俱乐部的会员在这里聚会,享受这一形式独特的飞行器,它是由当地人迈克尔·林姆在2000年发明的。
    Members of the Singapore Night Flyer Kite Club meet here to enjoy the unique aircraft, which were invented in 2000 by native Michael Lim.

11. 风筝

11. 当风筝和细绳在雨中浸湿的时候,它们会充分地导电。
      When the kite and the string are wet from the rain, they will conduct the electricity very well.

12. 我又轻又白的风筝在天空中。
      My light white kite is in the sky.

13. 风筝的翻译

13. 潍坊瑞德渔具有限公司坐落于有世界风筝都之称的美丽城市--潍坊,是一家专业生产渔竿的中型企业。
      WEIFANG RUIDE fishing tackle co. ltd located in the beautiful city of WEIFANG which is famous for being called the kite city of the world.

14. 然而,你需要找到合适的地方,在恰当的时间放风筝
      However, you need to find the right place and fly kites at the right time.

15. 风筝

15. 你想和我一起去放风筝吗?
      Would you like to fly kites with me?

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16. 然后,我们将放新风筝,这是很有趣的。
      Then, we are going to fly the new kites, that`s fun.

17. 我喜欢秋天。因为我可以放风筝
      I like autumn, Because I can fly kites.

18. 因为我可以在春天放风筝
      Because I can fly kites in spring.

19. 随着韦埃尔,我是汗,Housefull,风筝,Rajneeti在今年上半年发布,但在列表中的一些变化。
      With Veer, My Name Is Khan, Housefull, Kites, Rajneeti set for release in the first half of the year, except some changes in the list.

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20. 在中国大多数小孩都放过风筝
      On one occasion, two fly kites in the sky.