

Floating Exhibition;
飘展 双语例句

1. 飘展

1. 旗子在风中飘展着。
    The flag waved in the wind.

2. 条旗在迎风飘展,贸易开始了,历史的沉睡已完成使命,民族再生了
    Commerce opening, the sleep of ages having done its work, racesreborn, refresh'd

3. 那一树的黄丝巾,鲜艳夺目,迎风飘展,仿佛在迎接他的到来。
    The tree was covered with YELLOW RIBBONS, 30 of them, 50 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a banner of welcome, blowing and billowing in the wind.

4. 入园后,迎面是一块墨玉石的建园碑记。石碑迎路两侧,雪松挺拔、枝臂飘展,显得十分好客。
    The main gate of the park is a ring-shaped architecture much like an Arabian Mosque.

5. 5月19日14时28分,全市防空警报响彻商城,汽车喇叭鸣响,市政府大院门前的国旗在半空中迎风飘展
    At 2:28 pm, May 19, air raid sirens, and car, train and ship horns wailed and flags in front of municipal government building were flying at half-mast.