

飞狐道 双语例句

1. 飞狐道的反义词

1. 文章以清代山西的陆路交通,包括几条驿路(京西官道、北路、西北路、西路、南路、东路)、重要的民路(绥远到京师山西路段、陕甘达京师山西路段、飞狐道、左云县至宁鲁口路段)、河东盐运道及茶马之路为主要内容,又对清代山西的黄河、汾河水运进行分析,并在此基础上介绍了清代沿黄几个较为繁荣的晋蒙商业市镇,如包头、归化、巡镇、保德、碛口、河津等。
    First of all, the article describes the land transportation of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty including a few the land transportation of Shanxi in the Qing Dynasty such as Beijing—West governmental Roads, West Roads, South Roads, East Roads; vital non-governmental Roads including Shanxi part from Suiyuan to Beijing and Shanxi part from Shaanxi-Gansu to Beijing, Fling-Fox Road and the Road from Zuoyun to Youyu county; the Salt Road and Tea-Horse Road of Shanxi. It also describes the thansportation by water covering the Yellow River and the Fen River in that period.

2. 飞狐道

2. 大家姐与她的厨师介绍了几道招牌的菜肴,其中包括雪山飞狐、蒙古蒸鱼、琵琶豆腐、摸摸猪手等。
    Here, Connie Tan and her chef recommend some special dishes to the customers such as Fish with Salt, Mongolia Steamed Fish, Lute Tau Fu, MoMo Pork and others.