




飞砂走石 双语例句

1. 与龙卷风一样,当龙卷风挟裹着飞砂走石拔地而起时,你便看到了它。
    And just like a tornado you might not see it until the debris begins to get set up

2. 与龙卷风一样,当龙卷风挟裹着飞砂走石拔地而起时,你便看到了它。
    And just like a tornado you might not see it until the debris begins to get sucked up

3. 飞砂走石的反义词

3. 与龙卷风一样,当龙卷风挟裹着飞砂走石拔地而起时,你便看到了它。
    And just like a tornado you might not see it until the debris begins to get sent up

4. 看著那两张吊唁卡,我突然好伤心、好无力,很想跟他说一声对不起,身为您的律师,受您的托付,把所有盼望的重量放在我们手上,我们终究还是没办法在您有生之年为您战胜乡公所和亚泥,让您跨过那条窄窄的、因为开矿而经年飞砂走石的黄土路,让您剪开那道铁丝网,回到属於您的土地。。。。
    Unfortunately, they never made it to the demonstration. At their home, we explained the legal process being undertaken, and asked them to help obtaining signatures from all of Mr. Hu's living descendants. How many will do so remains to be seen. Dispossessed of their land, his family is scattered around the island. Like many native peoples across the globe, they have been forced from their traditional domain and made to assimilate into the mainstream culture and economy.

5. 飞砂走石在线翻译

5. 大风飞砂走石,给雨水造成的烟尘里增添了一种矿质的尘土,这两股力量汇合在一起成了一股不可抵挡的力量。
    Ragged masses of vapor drove along thebeach, on which the tormented shingles sounded as if poured out in cart-loads, while the sand raised by the wind added as it were mineral dust tothat which was liquid, and rendered the united attack insupportable.