

Fly hook;
飞钩 双语例句

1. 为配合新的飞钩结体操改善工程。
    For tying the fly to the hook the new improved clinch knot works well.

2. 飞钩的意思

2. 我离不开苍蝇商业多年,并致力于成为一个基本的库存,包括干飞钩钓、若虫勾飞毛腿钩、飘带钩、专科数钩。
    I tied flies commercially for years, and worked into a basic hook inventory that consisted of dry fly hooks, nymph hooks, scud hooks, streamer hooks, and a few specialty hooks.

3. 划船,徒步旅行,山地自行车,飞钩钓,以及骑马只是一些户外活动,提供了在春季。
    Canoeing, hiking, mountain biking, fly-fishing, and horseback riding are just some of the outdoor activities offered in Spring.

4. 帮助你区分风格飞勾几乎所有厂商飞钩钓标签为基本风格。
    To help you distinguish the style of fly hooks, most if not all fly hook manufacturers label their hooks as to the basic style.

5. 它不同于传统的捕鱼方式,投飞钩钓鱼,一般比特羽绒、毛皮、泡沫、纱、隶属或其他类似的材料是用什么线,形成一种称为飞',由于反对用蠕虫或其他诱饵。
    It is different from traditional fishing methods in that fly anglers cast a hook that generally has bits of feather, fur, foam, yarn, or other similar material attached using thread to form what is referred to as a fly', as opposed to using worms or other bait.